Arrow works with Insurers, Reinsurers and Insurance Linked Securities Funds to identify, evaluate and source sustainable and profitable insurance and reinsurance business.
We act as a conduit between Capacity providers and suppliers, adding value to the transactions by not being in the chain!
The cost of doing business in most sectors is now unsustainable. Shareholder and Stakeholder pressures, poor underwriting decisions producing suboptimal results and generally soft market conditions fused with rapidly increasing costs linked to maintaining regulatory compliance, staffing, office space, capital procurement and chain of security expenses, have all driven underwriting business costs through the roof. The result – something must give for it to continue being attractive and viable to transact insurance business in the UK and across International borders!
We at Arrow recognise that reducing costs is as imperative to business continuity and success as is maximising premiums and successful navigation of the market cycles. As such, we focus on ensuring profitable underwriting is conducted within our chosen sectors of expertise and intuitive processing solutions implemented so costs reduce for all participants of the chain.
Our consulting service can and will reduce overheads and repetitive processes thereby driving down the cost of doing business.
Ultimately, for a business to realise its potential the cost to transact business cannot be excessive or unduly burdensome so we vigorously evaluate every link in the chain to establish if that link truly needs to be there and if it does, determine whether it is operating with optimal efficiency. We seek innovative solutions to improve efficiency and remove unnecessary and repetitive processes and compliance procedures from the chain.
How we do this is by working with Brokers, Wholesalers and Retail networks to make sure that the Carriers’ forms and processes are streamlined with their own systems, stopping the need to repeat processes and undertake time consuming, manpower intensive data entry. We choose not to handle client funds as we understand that the less people involved in handling premiums, the lower the end cost is. With direct premium payments to Insurers and only Insurance Premium Trust accounts held by the Wholesale and Retail agents, costs to all are reduced. By standardising monthly accounting and reporting, we reduce the costly, onerous and repetitive monitoring and checks and balances tasks. By having our own Claims Manager, we are able to oversee all aspects of Claims Management too. We maintain a carefully selected panel of TPA’s to adjust the claims and work directly with Insurers. These TPA’s are not only approved by us but also the Brokers, Wholesalers and Retailers as this assists in reducing costs to Insurers and Brokers alike and ensures all claims are handled by people with the necessary expertise. When it is time to make a claim payment, all payments are made directly, vastly reducing costs to the chain and ensuring they are made promptly.
Just because something has “always been done this way” does not mean it is the best way or that it must continue to be this way. We explore and evaluate the options. We do not change things for the sake of being different but when we genuinely think there is a better alternative we try it!